JukeBox Experience
Experience seamless music with our embedded audio player on JukeBox at Ryder's Bar and Chill.
Take control of the music during Live Streams
!juke # (Replace # with track number from below.)
With an ever growing list of A.I generated songs, we try to create songs in various popular genres. When in the stream just type '!juke list' to view the options. These is the most up to date list:

BnC Originals
(1.) Catnip Quest
(2.) Internet Bar
(3.) Racing on the Edge
(4.) Ryder's Night
(5.) Shadows of the Past
(6.) Shamrock Riot
(7.) The Scenic Route
(8.) Throw me the Ball
(9.) Here to Help
(10.) Dance It Out
(11.) Good Vibes and Medvrich
(12.) BarRoom Tales
(13.) Scooby Doo Gang
(14.) Soldier in the Shadows
(15.) In The Cubieverse
(16.) Ride the Wind
(17.) Pure Michigan
(18.) Cubieverse Halloween
(19.) American Rebel Pride
(20.) Ryder's Bar and Chill
(21.) Fortune from the Streets
(22.) Choctopus Army
(23.) Get some PU$$
(24.) Choctopus Rise
(25.) Chocto to the moon
(26.) Moon
(27.) CoPilot
(28.) DIY
(29.) Puppy Cuddle Puddle
(30.) Tug A War
(31.) Joyride Song
(32.) Next?
(33.) Choctopus Anthem
All the music is A.I.
Our bartender has created a playlist of entirely A.I. generated collection.
Quality Ingredients
These songs were all composed of Raynstorm's lyrics with some Co-Pilot edits and Suno.ai for generation of songs. Some are catchy, some are life experiences, some are just for fun. If you like a song, download it!